
New trend of weight loss among bodybuilder!!


Clenbuterol is one of the asthma cure drugs. Hence bodybuilder, actor etc use this for weight loss .as you know that the drugs are both decongestant and bronchodilator. The main work of decongestant is that it thins the blood to reduce blood pressure.  On the other hand the work of bronchodilator is that is widening the vessel which carry oxygen. So for this reason the level of blood increases due to volume of oxygen. This is not used in all countries. It is used in America but is totally banned in United States. But when we talk about U.S there it is used in animal rearing and also by vets.  This drugs has become controversial among people because it used by bodybuilder and various weight loss program.

Popular cycle

The clenbuterol bodybuilding is in news trends nowadays. There are definitely various ways for planning the cycle of it for bodybuilder but these two are famous among themselves which are mentioned below:

  • Two days on and two days off- This method has been more famous among bodybuilder. This type of cycle is little complex for new bodybuilder. You should start with a small dose first at a range of 20 to 40mcg. Then you can simply increase the dose and maximum till 100 to 140 mcg. If you have used this 2 weeks continuously then stop it. This cycle is also known as bursting clenbuterol
  • The incrementing cycle- this plan is nothing complicated as compared to the above. This is simply a piece of cake. This method will allow a person today experience the fat burning period for longer time.

Best cutting supplement

As you know that the trend of using this clenbuterol is famous among the celebrities mostly. Many celebrities are already loved with this clenbuterol because of its amazing fat burning effects. By this they have enable to make incredible transformations for their projects. If you are comparing these with other thermogenic then clenbuterol is 3 times more powerful than other famous cutting supplement. You can find that any gym-goer would love this too with have as a tablet. So the best cutting supplement for bodybuilding is clenbuterol.


Bodybuilding is not an easy task to do. Today’s people have a new trend of bodybuilding. Clenbuterol is one type of drugs. Basically people use this drug for bodybuilding purpose. Some of the country has banned this product for the betterment of the people. But in some countries this drug is used in animals. Heavy dose many cause many problems for the bodybuilders that’s why they maintain the diet. You should also take advice through doctors. It may have best for them.